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I am writing a story after a long time. Hope readers will like it. Long-time back we were living in Kozhikode in north Kerala and my wife's place was about 75kms.

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Hi readers, prateek here with another true is about my aunt saree. My aunt is not so beautiful but she had a plump body with big boobs and nice.

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Description:There were so huge and curvy. My aunt is not so beautiful but she had a plump body with big boobs and nice buttocks. I got up slowly and went near the TV to look for something it was on purpose and when I turned back I saw my aunt sitting on the sofa with her paloo down and her saree was worn below the navel. I could clearly see curiosity, helplessness, relief and flirty eyes trying to convey to me that she is expecting something more forthcoming from me.

Views: 5918 Date: 2019-01-10 Favorited: 93 favorites

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