Do you have to have sex to be pregnant
You might have heard that it's best to have sex every other day for the best chances to get pregnant. Find out how much sex to get pregnant.
How much sex should I have to get pregnant?
Age and fertility
Carol Age: 18. My purpose in life is to remind you and show you that some of us actually enjoy providing you a service
Description:When a woman is pregnant, she goes through a multitude of changes--physically, emotionally, and behaviorally, all of which she would endure for the sake of her unborn child. Needless to say, having a baby is one of the best blessings that a woman can receive. But getting pregnant is not so easy for all women out there. In fact, many women have trouble conceiving at all. Particularly, we'll try to answer the question: As a woman gets older, her potential to have children decreases.
Views: 2174
Date: 2019-01-26
Favorited: 92
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