Can you get pregnant during anal sex
In theory, it's possible that it could happen if semen from the anus gets into the vagina. With anal sex If you decide to have anal sex, use a condom every time.
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Can Pregnancy Occur if…? Pregnancy Myths Cleared Up!
My boyfriend wants to have anal sex without using a condom because he says it's safer. Can you still get pregnant from anal sex? Please reply.
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Description:If you're taking the pill, you can track in Clue and get personalized advice on what to do if you miss a pill. So, can it happen? The reason that anal sex increases the chances of infection is that the rectal lining is thin, dry, and delicate. Since the reproductive system and the digestive system are not connected, sperm that enters the anus cannot swim through the body to reach an egg cell in the reproductive system.
Views: 7504
Date: 2019-01-05
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